~35 – 40 lb Seasonally sourced from New York and Washington Apple aka Fuji Apple , Gala Apple , Golden Delicious Apple , Granny Smith Apple , Honey Crisp Apple , Red Delicious Apple , Koru Apple , Ping-Guo , 苹果 , 蘋果 Apple is a round fruit that typically has thin red or green…
~40 lbs Banana aka Xiang-Jiao , Ya-Jiao , 香蕉 , 芽蕉 Banana is a curved yellow dessert fruit with thick skin and pastel yellow flesh. As the banana ripens, the skin color turns from green to bright yellow. The flesh is creamy and sweet and is usually eaten raw, cut for salad, or baked when ripe….
~20 lbs Barlette Pear aka Williams Pear , Bartlett Pear , Wei-Lian-Mu-Si-Li , Ba-Te-Li-Te-Li , Hong-An-Li , 威廉姆斯梨 , 巴特利特梨 , 红安梨 Bartlett pear has a true pyriform or classical pear shape. As the fruit ripens, the skin turns green to golden yellow. The flesh is cream-colored with a central core and a few, small…
12 x 6oz clamshell Blackberry aka Sang-Shen , Hei-Mei , 桑葚 , 黑莓 Blackberry is an aggregate fruit; a fleshy berry made up of multiple drupes and tiny hairs. As the berries ripen, they turn from white to red to deep purple and black when fully ripe. Blackberry is picked with the fleshy central core attached. Slightly unripe blackberries…
12 x 1pint clamshell Blueberry aka Lan-Mei , 蓝莓 Blueberry is a dark blue dark purple skin berry covered by a waxy bloom with a five-pointed crown on the underside of the berry. Inside, the flesh is usually light green, light yellow, or white. Unripe blueberry tastes sour while ripe blueberry has a refreshingly sweet flavor that…
~20 lbs Cantaloupe aka Muskmelon , Netted Melon , Rock Melon , Hong-Mi-Gua , Huang-Rou-Cao-Pi-Gua , 红蜜瓜 , 黃肉草皮瓜 Cantaloupe is a melon with creamy, light yellow-orange skin. It usually has an oval shape with a netting pattern on the rough skin. The flesh is a coral orange with the center full of seeds and…
~20 lbs Cherry aka Sweet Cherry , Ying-Tao , Che-Li-Zi , 樱桃 , 车厘子 , 櫻桃 , 車厘子 Cherry is a small, round stone fruit with bright red, burgundy red, or yellow with a red blush skin. There is a small hard pit in the center of the fruit. The yellow cherry has yellow flesh while…
~30 – 35 lbs Clementine aka Gan-Ju , 柑桔 Clementine is a type of mandarin orange that is round with thin deep orange-colored skin that can be easily peeled. The flesh is sweet and each segment peel comes off easily with very little pith attached to the fruit. There are very few to no seeds in…
~30 – 35 lbs Coconut aka Ye-Zi , 椰子 Coconut is a mature coconut fruit with a brown, hairy, hard shell. The coconut water is replaced by coconut meat as the coconut matures. The coconut meat is firm with a distinct tropical taste. Coconut is available year-round. Handling Tip Selection The coconut should feel heavy for…
~30 lbs Seasonally sourced from Thailand and Malaysia. Durian aka King of Fruits , Liu-Lian , 榴莲 , 榴蓮 Durian has a similar appearance as jackfruit but is much smaller in size and with prickly spines on the skin. The most significant feature of durian is the smell of the fruit. Durian has a strong…
~10 lbs Golden Kiwi aka Kiwifruit , Gold Kiwi Fruit , Huang-Jin-Qi-Yi-Guo , 黄金奇异果 , 黃金奇異果 Golden kiwi has smooth, hairless golden brown skin with an oval shape. The flesh is golden yellow with a small core and a few tiny black seeds. Golden kiwi has a tropical sweet taste that gets sweeter as the…
6 – 7 pieces Golden Pineapple aka Huang-Jin-Bo-Luo , 黄金波萝 , 黃金波蘿 Golden pineapple is a tropical fruit with pine cone-shaped and spiky, rough skin topped with a crown of spiky green leaves. The skin turns from green to yellowish-orange as the fruit ripens. The flesh is bright yellow, juicy, and intensely sweet. It is recommended…
~20 lbs Grape aka Ti-Zi , Pu-Tao , 提子 , 葡萄 Grape is a small, smooth, and thinned skin berry that is round or oval-shaped. The color of the grape depends on the variety. May come in green, red, reddish-purple, dark blue, etc. Grape may have small seeds inside but there are also seedless options…
23 – 56 pieces Grapefruit aka Pu-Tao-You , Xi-You , 葡萄柚 , 西柚 Grapefruit looks similar to orange on the outside but is twice the size. The flesh inside also looks similar but grapefruit have a rose to pinkish-orange flesh. The taste is bittersweet to sour. Grapefruit is available year-round. Handling Tip Selection Grapefruit has smooth skin with no…
~10 lbs Guava aka Fan-Shi-Liu , 番石榴 Guava is a tropical fruit with an oval-shaped. The fruit size is typically between three and a half to four and a half inches. The skin is smooth and yellowish-green in color. The flesh is either creamy white or rose pink. There are small yellow hard seeds that…