~20 lbs Plum aka Red Plum , Black Plum , Green Plum , Black Red Plum , Li-Zi , 李子 Plum is a round stone fruit with red, green, or purplish smooth thin skin. The flesh is orange-green, or pale green depending on the variety. The flavor ranges from sweet to sour, with the skin particularly tart….
~30 lbs Pomelo aka Pompelmo , Shaddock , Pummelo , Chinese Grapfruit , Sha-Tian-You , Jin-You , You-Zi , 沙田柚 , 金柚 , 柚子 Pomelo is usually round with one end slightly pointy. The shape resembles grapefruit but is much larger in size. The smooth skin is greenish-yellow to yellow with the flesh being white, rose, or pink…
15 lbs Rambutan aka Hong-Mao-Dan , 紅毛丹 Rambutan is an oval-shaped fruit with a red leather shell and red and greenish-yellow soft spines. The flesh looks similar to that of longan and lychee with a crisp texture that surrounds a large black seed. The white semitransparent flesh is sweet with a note of floral hint to it. The taste is very similar to…
8 x 1lb clamshell Strawberry aka Garden Strawberry , Cao-Mei , Shi-Duo-Pi-Li , 草莓 , 士多啤梨 Strawberry is a red berry with a round top extending to a pointed tip, like a heart. There are hundreds of tiny yellow seeds on the surface of the strawberry. There is also a newer variety with white to pale…
~30 lbs Tamarind aka Imli , Tamarindo , Tamrind , Luo-Wang-Zi , Suan-Jiao , Tai-Guo-Tian-Jiao , 罗望子 , 酸角 , 泰国甜角 , 羅望子 Tamarind looks like a large curved bean pod with a brown shell. The flesh is greenish turning brown when mature with white seeds. The taste is sweet and sour and has a…
~30 lbs Tangerine Murcot aka Honey Tangerine , Murcott Mandarin , Gan-Ju , Ju-Zi , Mi-Ju , 柑橘 , 橘子 , 蜜桔 , 桔 , 蜜橘 Tangerine Murcot is a type of mandarin with deep orange loose skin. They look very similar to clementine but slightly bigger. Tangerine has few seeds, a sweet flavor, and is easy…
5 1LB pieces Watermelon aka 西瓜 Watermelon is a summer fruit with high water content (more than 90%). It is usually round or oblong shape with light green and dark green rinds down the side. The flesh is bright red with black and white seeds inside. The white seeds are edible. Watermelon tastes crisp, juicy,…
36 piece Watermelon aka 西瓜 Watermelon is a summer fruit with high water content (more than 90%). It is usually round or oblong shape with light green and dark green rinds down the side. The flesh is bright red with black and white seeds inside. The white seeds are edible. Watermelon tastes crisp, juicy, and…
45 piece Watermelon aka 西瓜 Watermelon is a summer fruit with high water content (more than 90%). It is usually round or oblong shape with light green and dark green rinds down the side. The flesh is bright red with black and white seeds inside. The white seeds are edible. Watermelon tastes crisp, juicy, and…
9 count Young Coconut aka Buko , Water coconut , Ye-Qing , Qing-Ye-Zi , 棷青 , 青椰子 Young coconuts are mostly sourced from Vietnam and Thailand. Young coconut has a white husk under its green outer skin. It is usually trimmed and shaped by removing the green outer skin. The final product has a flat bottom, a…